ACAM @ Formnext 2023: Projects and Events


Innovative Product and Production Concepts of Variant Flexible Hairpin Stator Production

Motivation and Relevance

  • Production lines of hairpin stators require high investment costs while being not flexible regarding varying product properties
  • Due to short development cycles of e-motors, design and production processes need to be variant flexible
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Clusters4Future Hydrogen – Industrial Burners for Naturalgas-Hydrogen Mixtures (HyInnoBurn)
Enabling Industries Through the Energy Transition

Motivation and Relevance

  • Necessary change from natural gas to hydrogen in hard-to-electrify sectors (e.g. steel) needs specialized burners
  • Relevant for burner manufacturers and new material suppliers
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Cluster of Excellence Internet of Production (IoP) – Workstream A.III
In-Process Recognition and Compensation of Defects in Additive Manufacturing (AM)

Motivation and Relevance

  • Implementing AI models to detect and categories anomalies as well as compensate defects is still difficult and requires expertise
  • The lack of standardized data formats prevents AM users and service providers from connecting and using the data
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Fiber Sensor Integration in Additively Manufactured Component
Enabling Industries Through Sensor Integration

Motivation and Relevance

  • Multiple sensors can be integrated within a single fiber for real-time measurement over an area.
  • Relevant for sustainable product development, predictive maintenance, performance monitoring and optimization of high-performance components.
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AddMamBa: 3D-Printed Connection Elements
Enabling Circular Economy and Design Automation in Construction

Motivation and Relevance

  • Increased demand for sustainability within the construction and building industry as one of the main consumer of the global energy demand
  • Companies aiming for resource and energy efficient buildings, interested in architecturally ambitious building structures
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3DiH: 3D Printing in the Food Craft Sector
A Digital Platform will Enable Confectioners to Easily Use 3D Printing, Quickly Implement Design Ideas, Produce Products and Working Aids, and Market them.

Motivation and Relevance

  • Handcraft businesses must innovate their products and services to fulfill the needs of B2B and B2C markets
  • 3D printing offers them new avenues for product design, customization as well as innovative business models
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ProCloud3D: Secure Slicing for Industrial 3D Printing in the Cloud
Advanced Data Exchange Solutions for Additive Production

Motivation and Relevance

  • IP protection plays a crucial role for distributed manufacturing with AM as sensitive data such as 3D models have to be shared
  • For AM users and service providers a solution to securely share data between companies is missing
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Alloy Design for CO2 Reduction – A High-Throughput Approach
Enabling Industries Through High Throughput Alloy Development

Motivation and Relevance

  • Missing understanding of electrodes of tailored alloys on the CO2 reduction reaction
  • Reaction dependent on material composition and surface structure of electrode
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Computational Alloy Screening for High Strength Components
Enabling Industries Through Computational Alloy Screening

Motivation and Relevance

  • There is an increasing demand for L-PBF of high strength aluminum parts in aerospace application, due to the possibility to build complex and lightweight structures.
  • Most of the high strength Aluminum Alloys produce cracks and defects during L-PBF.
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Rapid Alloy Development for Additive Manufacturing
Fast and Resource-Efficient Experimental High-Throughput Screening Using EHLA

Motivation and Relevance

  • There are still only few tailored alloys for AM which benefit from typical AM processing conditions (e.g. high cooling rates)
  • Alloy development is a slow, often iterative process which needs efficient simulative and experimental methods
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Enabling Industries Through Supportless Pulsed And Shaped Efficient Lasering

Motivation and Relevance

  • Production of complex components currently limited by process restrictions in PBF-LB/M:
  • High demands on accuracy depended on melt pool size.
  • Overhangs accompanied by heat accumulation and support structures.
  • Stress peaks at transition from lattices and fine features to solid material.
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DVS Specialist for Additive Manufacturing
Seminar and further Education


  • Fast-growing technology environment with few trained specialists
  • Employment opportunities possible in small and large companies
  • Seminar includes focus on metal or plastics

When and Where?







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