25. June 2018
ACAM Aachen Center for Additive Manufacturing GmbH expends its management team with two new members in order to further enhance its competences.

Prof. Johannes Henrich Schleifenbaum was appointed by the ACAM shareholders to join Dr. Kristian Arntz in the position of managing partner of the ACAM Aachen Center for Additive Manufacturing in Photonic Cluster on RWTH Aachen Campus, replacing Dr. Johannes Witzel. Besides holding the Chair for Digital Additive Production DAP at the RWTH Aachen since 2016, Prof. Schleifenbaum is as well responsible for the competence area “Additive Manufacturing and Functional Layers” at Fraunhofer ILT. Before that, he held various senior management positions at Phoenix Contact Group until 2016.
More information in the press release Johannes Henrich Schleifenbaum joins ACAM management team.
More information in the press release Johannes Henrich Schleifenbaum joins ACAM management team.

Tobias Stittgen will also join our team in a leading role. As Senior Advisor (Sales &Technology) he will be responsible for establishing services and answering your questions about Additive Manufacturing. He is currently a group leader at the RWTH Aachen Chair for Digital Additive Production DAP. Before returning to Aachen, he gained industrial experience at Laserline GmbH from 2014 to 2016, where he was the responsible sales engineer for European automotive OEMs and integrators.
Prof. Schleifenbaum and Tobias Stittgen bring a great value to our community with their strong technical knowledge and long experience in the industry, which will increase our efficiency by providing innovative services in Additive Manufacturing that fulfill your industrial requirements.