
20. September 2017

Metal 3D printing – Optimization through process simulation software

Metal 3D printing – Optimization through process simulation software Metal laser melting, often referred as 3D printing, is conquering the world of industrial manufacturing and establishes itself as a revolutionary manufacturing process. Despite all this euphoria, it is apparent that…
19. June 2017

Official launch of the world’s largest SLM facility

For their joint project, the Aachen Center for 3D printing, the Aachen University of Applied Sciences and the Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology ILT have ambitious plans. On June 1, 2017, they officially opened the world’s largest SLM facility, located…

13. June 2017

Success Story: The Electric City Car e.GO Life

RWTH Aachen Campus with its network of science and industry enables fast and market-oriented product development and competitive manufacturing for e.GO Mobile. As a result, after a mere three years of highly iterative development, series production of the e.GO Life…
29. November 2016

Seminar Program 2017

The ACAM Aachen Center for Additive Manufacturing offers you an extensive range of seminars on Additive Manufacturing next year. Check out the seminar topics: 23. Mrz 17    Innovation Day Additive Manufacturing 04. Apr 17    Powder Bed Based Laser Melting Starter…

26. September 2016

Press release (in German): Werkstoffe als Schlüssel für die generative Produktion

Gradiert, hybride, biogen… so lauten einige Schlagwörter der aktuellen Materialforschung für additive Fertigungsverfahren, die anlässlich der 3D Valley Conference am 15. September 2016 in Aachen diskutiert wurden. Nachdem generative Produktionsprozesse immer stärker für die direkte Herstellung von Bauteilen genutzt werden,…

7. September 2016

Press release: Aachen – 3D Valley

Major players in the aerospace and automotive sectors are modifying 3D printing processes for use in large-scale production, while small and medium-sized companies also increasingly recognize the technology’s huge potential.
