About Us


Production is changing, and the future will see more digitalization, networking across industries, and relevance of environmental impacts. Change outside of the AM industry creates complexity and the necessity to constantly reinvent processes, applications and business strategy. We strive to enable the AM industry navigating its own complexity and successfully accomplish social, ecological, and economical sustainability by leveraging increasing digitalization, new technologies, business networks.


Executive Board

Moritz Kolter
Managing Director


Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing.
Johannes Henrich Schleifenbaum
Scientific Director


Gustavo Melo
Senior Consultant
Jan Schenk
Senior Consultant
Dr.-Ing. Maximilian Voshage
Senior Consultant
Lukas Bauch
Senior Consultant
Carsten Putz
Senior Consultant
Thomas Eberius
Senior Consultant
Max Rommerskirchen
Senior Consultant
Lennart Sayk
Senior Consultant

ACAM Office Team

Nils Rusch
Communications Manager

+49 241 94261024
Angela Ross
Project Coordinator

+49 241 94261023
Paul Thomas
Project Assistant

+49 241 94261027


ACAM was established in 2016 to faciliate our industry member’s participation in AM-related R&D carried out on the RWTH Aachen Campus. By combining the expertise of over 100 researchers from 12 R&D partners and more than 35 industry members, ACAM understands and reinvents Additive Manufacturing on a global scale.
The Chair of Digital Additive Production DAP at RWTH Aachen University, together with partners from industry and science, researches the fundamental technical and economic interrelationships of additive production. In addition to the further development of existing AM processes and existing machine and system technology, the focus on software-driven end-to-end processes in particular is an essential working point of the DAP. Starting with bionic lightweight construction, through functional optimization for AM and the design of “digital materials” to validation in the real process and the derivation of static and dynamic characteristic values, the advantages of additive processes can be harnessed using digital technologies. Almost all common software suites in the field of authoring systems (CAD) and commercially available CAx systems, FEM modelers etc. are available for this purpose. On the machine side, both commercially available systems and adapted laboratory systems and test setups are available. In addition to purely technological topics, the Chair supports industrial partners in mastering the complexity arising from the implementation of Additive Manufacturing. Using AM-driven consulting services, the DAP ensures a holistic view of the implications of Additive Manufacturing at the strategic, tactical and operational company level and thus creates the prerequisites for the competitiveness of the numerous industrial partners in the AM environment.
Across the world and for many decades now the Laboratory for Machine Tools and Production Engineering (WZL) of RWTH Aachen University has stood for successful and forward-thinking research in the area of production engineering. In eight different work areas, research activities not only relate to fundamental theories and findings but also to the application of findings in an industrial context. Furthermore, practical solutions are worked out for the purposes of rationalising production.

From the goal of wishing to cover the entire spectrum of production technology from one source, we have a broad working field which focuses on the business areas of development and design, quality management, organisation, work preparation, production and assembly as well as control and automation.

The goal of the Fraunhofer Institute for Production Technology IPT is research and development for companies from the entire manufacturing industry. Our industry focus ranges from automotive engineering and its suppliers, in particular tool and mould making, to aerospace, precision mechanics, optics and machine tools.  
In the field of laser material processing, we develop and test various laser-based processes in order to efficiently integrate the “laser beam” tool into the value chain. As an environmentally friendly and material-efficient alternative to the better known powder-based processes, we are further developing wire-based laser metal deposition (LMD-W) for the manufacturing of metallic components. With our CAD/CAM software developed in-house, we control and regulate the process and build up the desired component layer by layer. A wide range of different standardized cored wires, solid wires and special laser wires, which can be processed very cost-effectively and produce high-quality components, are available for the selection of the wire filler material. 
With more than 540 employees and more than 19 500 m² net floor space, the Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology ILT is one of the world’s leading contract research and development institutes in the field of laser development and laser applications. Our core competencies include the development of new laser beam sources and components, laser measurement and testing technology as well as laser production technology. This includes, for example, cutting, ablation, drilling, welding and soldering as well as surface treatment, microfabrication and Additive Manufacturing. Furthermore, the Fraunhofer ILT is engaged in laser system technology, process monitoring and control, modelling and the entire system technology. Our services range from feasibility studies and process qualification to the customer-specific integration of laser processes into the respective production line. 
The Institute for Materials Applications in Mechanical Engineering of the RWTH Aachen was founded in 2006. It arose from a fusion of the former Institute of material science, IWK, the Institute of ceramic components, IKKM, and the field of education and research in material science, LWK.

The IWM arranges the basic education in material science for the Bachelor program of mechanical engineering and industrial engineering with specialization in mechanical engineering. Courses like, ‘Powder Metallurgy’, ‘High Temperature Application Ceramics and Metals’, ‘Failure Analysis’, ‘Materials Science and Processing’, ‘Structural Materials’, ‘Material Compounds Ceramic-Metals’ and ‘Advanced Ceramics’ are offered for various master programs.

With our consulting services individually tailored to your needs, we support you in aligning your corporate strategy for the future. While Technology Scanning gives you an overview of new technologies, trends and markets, Technology Scouting goes from overview to detail and provides you with individual assessments of technology information. In technology monitoring, we systematically observe these over a longer period of time.  

Our platform KEX.net provides comprehensive technical knowledge, based on interaction with renowned research entities and global industrial players. Our technology experts frequently scout the latest applications, materials, production technologies and rate them about economic and technological aspects. The Technology Knowledge Database is the heart of our proposition, containing profiles for core technologies, latest applications, experts, enabling partners and research entities. Further, the Knowledge Area Additive Manufacturing contains hundreds of up-to-date profiles for relevant technologies, materials, applications, experts, companies and markets. Combined with a mighty set of visualization tools like radars, maps, tree structures and export functions you will find a unique solution to cope with major question marks. 

The Institute for Toolless Manufacturing (IwF) supports you in the optimization and design of the entire process chain in the field of Additive Manufacturing. The spectrum ranges from customer-oriented research & development to practical training and individual consulting services. The IwF is your well-informed partner in all questions of tool-free production. By operating its own plants, the IwF is not only able to teach and accompany theory, but also practice in an industry-oriented manner.  
ACCESS provides Material competence, deep knowledge of metal solidification since 30 years is based on numerous governmental funded and industry related projects. Thermodynamic Databases, fundamentals of solidification, phase kinetics and phase transitions, texture and grain structures and new materials and processes are the main research areas. ACCESS is strongly involved in global ICME activities and has developed and uses own Simulation tools like MICRESS for microstructure formation or tools for property prediction of alloys. Laboratory and technology level equipment for solidification experiments, investment casting, heat treatment and an outstanding analytic department with SEMs, computed Tomography and more serve on the practical side. 
As part of RWTH Aachen University, the Institute for Automotive Engineering (ika) researches the complete vehicle including its systems and their interactions. From the initial idea to innovative component and system concepts to vehicle prototypes, the Institute’s staff actively design solutions for tomorrow’s mobility. To this end, we work together in public and bilateral projects with and for manufacturers and suppliers with an automotive focus to ensure that future mobility will continue to be safe, efficient and attractive.

Our team is divided into six research areas: Vehicle Concepts & HMI, Vehicle Structures, Vehicle Dynamics & Acoustics, Energy Management & Drivetrains, Vehicle Intelligence & Automated Driving and Traffic Psychology & Acceptance. Our focus lies on both the individual components and their interaction and on the vehicle as a whole in an overall social context of sustainable mobility. Therefor our teams research and work together closely – in line with our common belief that complex issues always need an approach from various perspectives.

The ika employs more than 150 permanent employees and around 150 student assistants. In addition, there are permanently about 200 student projects in the context of research and development.

Rapid prototyping and the further development of additive manufacturing have established themselves as sub-processes of product development and manufacturing technology over the past decade. In 2010, a young team of technology enthusiasts was formed at the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics to work on the subject of additive manufacturing techniques. The resulting GoetheLab has grown steadily and now has 20 employees. The main focus is on the further development and industrial use of different additive manufacturing techniques for the processing of metals, polymers and special materials. These new manufacturing techniques offer enormous freedom from geometry due to their layer-by-layer structure, allowing functions to be integrated into components in a resource-efficient manner and without additional effort. Current publicly funded or bilateral projects focus on the identification of new industrial applications for 3D printing, the development of new materials, and the design of components in line with construction and production requirements. The department has extensive equipment at its disposal for carrying out these projects. Since 2013, there has been a joint research group with the Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology ILT in the field of additive manufacturing.


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