Registration for the ACAM Annual Meeting 2023 – Projektverantwortliche 2024

Registration ACAM Annual Meeting 2023

Liebe Forschungspartner,

anbei das Registrierungsformular für das ACAM Annual Meeting am. Bitte füllt das Formular mit euren Daten aus.

Bei Fragen kontaktiert mich gerne.

Viele Grüße

Nils Rusch

    1. Are you joining the ACAM Annual Meeting on October 25 & 26, 2023?


    2. What will you be attending?

    Networking Dinner at Restaurant Pippin on October 25Annual Meeting on October 26

    Contact Information

    -Prof. Dr.Prof.Dr.-IngDr.

    -Prof. Dr.Prof.Dr.-IngDr.

    -Prof. Dr.Prof.Dr.-IngDr.

    5. Do you have any allergies or meal preferences? (For those attending the Networking Dinner and the Annual Meeting in person)


    * mandatory field

    I read and accepted the data protection declaration.

    I agree that the ACAM Aachen Center for Additive Manufacturing GmbH is allowed to storage my data for the purpose of processing my request. I can revoke my consent at any time without any adverse consequences by sending any notice of withdrawal to