ACAM @ Formnext 2023: ACAM and its Community

More about ACAM

ACAM Aachen Center for Additive Manufacturing, based on the RWTH Aachen Campus, pools resources and facilitates industry’s access to the Additive Manufacturing expertise of leading scientific and research institutions.

ACAM is the one-stop-shop for Additive Manufacturing, covering the entire process chain, from design stage through to quality control and focuses on topics such as process chain automation, the development of customized materials, increasing productivity and reducing turnaround times.

Additionally, ACAM offers opportunities for joint research and development, a sophisticated training and education program, as well as an online platform enabling industry members to build business connections and exchange practical knowledge.

More about our Industry Members



AddUp, a Fives and Michelin joint venture, is the French leader in metal additive manufacturing. Specializing in additive metal manufacturing, the AddUp teams support their clients by taking into account the specificities of each industrial sector.

More Infos about AddUp
Manufaktur Mos

Individual designs and unique manufacturing expertise result in emotional products. Manufaktur Mos offers additively manufactured products in the consumer market sector.

More Infos about Manufaktur Mos
Stiefelmayer-Messtechnik GmbH & Co. KG

Stiefelmayer-Messtechnik is a leading manufacturer of horizontal arm measuring devices. The application spectrum of our systems ranges from marking tasks to simpler manual measuring activities to complex CNC measuring sequences.

More Infos about Stiefelmayer
MAPEX Center for Materials and Processes

The goal of MAPEX is the system-oriented research and development of materials and processes for sustainable transport and energy applications. Our research encompasses the fields of natural and engineering sciences as well as mathematics, aiming at a thorough understanding of the process-properties-performance relationships in materials. MAPEX merges the know-how of more than 1000 scientific and technical staff from five different university faculties and six external research institutes on the university campus Bremen.

The DFG-funded LMD machine enables highly flexible high-throughput materials synthesis with microstructure adjustment through combined additive manufacturing and in-situ short-term heat treatment.

More Infos about MAPEX Center for Materials and Processes
Institute of Photonic Technologies, Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuremberg 

The potential of light seems to be unlimited. In basic research the amount of knowledge is growing rapidly, qualifying Photonic Technologies for more and more fields of application. In order to clear the way for industrial application, LPT came into existence at the Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuremberg under the direction of Professor Michael Schmidt, within the Department of Mechanical Engineering.

The aim of our institute is to establish a link between scientific progress and industrial application in the field of Photonics and Laser Technology. Topics with academic and technological relevance are emphasized so that e.g. production technologies and medicine may benefit from our achievements.

More Infos about Institute of Photonic Technologies
Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Kassel

At the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Kassel, the Department of Metallic Materials and the Department of Separating and Joining Manufacturing Processes are conducting cross-institutional research in the field of additive manufacturing. Within the framework of the research project “High-throughput material characterisation using additive laser build-up welding processes combined with in situ X-ray analysis and advanced instrumentation” (funded by the DFG, project number 434506338), interdisciplinary issues at the interface of process control and monitoring as well as the process-microstructure property relationships in laser build-up welding are being investigated. The overriding research goals are the rapid and thus highly efficient development of new alloys via the screening of different compositions as well as the reliable avoidance of defects by means of an X-rayographic insight into the process. However, all this is not done at large-scale research facilities, such as synchrotron or neutron accelerators, but with the help of the brightest laboratory X-ray source in the world on a laboratory scale. This approach opens up unique possibilities for the rapid development of new, demand-oriented alloys, as an article in the specialist journal “Advanced Engineering Materials” was able to illustrate.

More Infos about Department of Mechanical Engineering

More about our Research Partners

The Chair of Digital Additive Production DAP at RWTH Aachen University, together with partners from industry and science, researches the fundamental technical and economic interrelationships of additive production. In addition to the further development of existing AM processes and existing machine and system technology, the focus on software-driven end-to-end processes in particular is an essential working point of the DAP. 
More Infos about DAP
Across the world and for many decades now the Laboratory for Machine Tools and Production Engineering (WZL) of RWTH Aachen University has stood for successful and forward-thinking research in the area of production engineering. In eight different work areas, research activities not only relate to fundamental theories and findings but also to the application of findings in an industrial context. Furthermore, practical solutions are worked out for the purposes of rationalising production.
More Infos about WZL
The Institute for Toolless Manufacturing (IwF) supports you in the optimization and design of the entire process chain in the field of Additive Manufacturing. The spectrum ranges from customer-oriented research & development to practical training and individual consulting services. The IwF is your well-informed partner in all questions of tool-free production. By operating its own plants, the IwF is not only able to teach and accompany theory, but also practice in an industry-oriented manner.
More Infos about IwF